Kerala Ayurveda Gulguluthikthakam Kwath

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  • Product Code: 40216698
  • Stock Availability : Out Of Stock
₹173.25 ₹175.00
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About the Product

Kerala Ayurveda Limited is a Pioneer in providing Holistic Healing and Wellness Solutions – in line with its Guiding Principle – the 5000-year-old Holistic Science of Ayurveda. Kerala Ayurveda Limited is a One-of-its-kind, Full-spectrum, and Listed Ayurveda Company in India with a rich Heritage of over 70 years and having touched the lives of over a Million people. Its Footprint spans Wellness Resorts, Hospitals, Clinics, Academies, Products and Services in India & US. Gulguluthikthakam Kwath is a Ayurvedic decoction helpful in reducing inflammatory conditions of skin, joints and bones. An excellent Vata and Kapha pacifier, Gulguluthikthakam Kwath is beneficial in chronic ulcers, nerve related diseases and helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels in the body. It helps relieve skin diseases, tumors, abscess etc and beneficial in rheumatic conditions as well.


Nimba Azadirachta indica St.Bk. Dct. 4.4 g, Amruthu Tinospora cordifolia St. Dct. 4.4 g, Vasaka Adathoda vasica Rt. Dct. 4.4 g, Patola Trichosanthes cucumerina Lf./Pl. Dct. 4.4 g, Brahati Solanum Indicum Pl. Dct. 4.4 g, Gulgulu Commiphora mukul Exd. Dct. 2.2 g, Patha Cyclea peltala Rt. Dct. 0.01 g, Vidanga Embelia Ribes Fr. Dct. 0.01 g Devadaru Cedrus deodara Ht.Wd. Dct. 0.01g, Gajapippali Balanosphora fungose Fr. Dct. 0.01g, Chavarkaram Carbonate of potash Pdr. Dct. 0.01 g, Thuvarchilakkaram Sodium sulphate Pdr. Dct. 0.01g, Sunthi Zingiber officinale Rz. Dct. 0.01 g, Haridra Curcuma longa Rz. Dct. 0.01 g, Satahua Peucedanum graveolens Fr. Dct. 0.01 g, Chavyam Piper nigrum St. Dct. 0.01 g Kushta Saussurea lappa Rt. Dct. 0.01 g, Jyothishmati Celastrus paniculata Fr. Dct. 0.01 g, Maricha Piper nigrum Fr. Dct. 0.01 g, Kutaja Holarrhena antidysenterica St.Bk. Dct. 0.01 g, Ajmoda Trachyspermum ammi Fr. Dct. 0.01 g, Chitraka Plumbago indica Rt. Dct. 0.01 g , Kutki Picrorrhiza kurroa Rz./Rt. Dct. 0.01 g, Bhallataka Semicarpus anacardium Fr. Dct. 0.01 g, Vacha Acorus calamus Rz. Dct. 0.01 g, Pippalimool Piper longum Rt. Dct. 0.01 g, Raasna Alpinia officinarum Rt./Lf. Dct. 0.01 g, Jeera Cuminum cyminum Fr. Dct. 0.01 g, Ativisha Aconitum heterophyllum Rt.Tr. Dct. 0.01 g, Manjishta Rubia cordifolia Rt. Dct. 0.01 g, Hareethaki Terminalia chebula P. Dct. 0.01 g, Amlaki Emblica Officinalis P. Dct. 0.01 g, Bibhitaki Terminalia belerica P. Dct. 0.01 g,


• It is an Ayurvedic liquid supplement for joint pain and other inflammatory conditions including skin diseases

• It is used in treatment for gout and provide good relief from joint pain

• It helps to maintain joint and skin health lowers cholesterol levels, and is a powerful nervine tonic

• It is also used in managing obesity, uterine fibroids and helps in the quicker healing of chronic ulcers

• It is useful in treating Cervical and Lumbar spondylosis

• It helps to purify the blood, strengthen digestion and promote skin rejuvenation

How to Use

15 ml Kwath diluted with 60 ml boiled and cooled water twice daily before food or as directed by the Physician

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