Bixa Botanical Quassia Stem Powder

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  • Product Code: 40211426
  • Stock Availability : Out Of Stock
₹490.05 ₹495.00
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About the Product

Quassia or Quassia wood [Botanical name – Quassia amara]an indigenous plant from the Amazon rainforest & is a small branching plant of the genus Simarubeae found in Jamaica. Quassia wood is in the form of yellowish white shavings, chips or rasping or large dense billes. Quassia is found to be helpful in nausea (stomach upset), loss of appetite, intestinal & Liver infections. The Quassia bark and wood is considered to be helpful as stomachic, bitter tonic & Laxative. For many centuries Quassia was the most famous fever remedy in the world, until the appearance of synthetic drugs. Quassia effectively lower fevers by boosting Immunity. Quassia is found to be very effective as a liver and pancreatic functions support. Quassia is useful in the symptoms of liver disorders Icterus, loss of appetite, general weakness and gall bladder swelling. As per scientific study, one of the most important active ingredients in Quassia is quassine, which accounts for 60% of the quassinoides (bitter taste) of its composition. Quassin helps to activate the mucus and facilitates normal secretion in digestive system. Quassia helps to stimulate the muscles of the digestive tube and healthy bile secretion.


Quassia Stem Powder ,Quassia amara

How to Use

Digestive health

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